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Small Business Loan

The Many Benefits of the SBA-Backed Small Business Loan

There are many different kinds of business loans, each with their own benefits and advantages. Few compare to the many benefits of having the Small Business Administration back your small business loan. If you qualify for this special type of financing, you will be able to accomplish many great things and improve your business significantly. Beverly Hills Funding Group is committed to helping your business no matter what situation you are in. That is why we have a team of financial experts to work alongside you and determine what type of loan suits your unique situation specifically. Turn to Beverly Hills Funding Group to see how you can qualify for a 504 or 7a program and learn all the many benefits of an SBA-backed small business loan.

Small Business Administration Backed Loans

When you qualify for a loan backed by the Small Business Administration, the biggest benefit you can enjoy is the amount of capital gain. It is possible to receive much more working capital than would otherwise be possible. Additionally, small businesses can qualify for financing. Perhaps you have applied in the past but simply owned too small of a business to receive a loan. With the help of the Small Business Administration, it is possible for these businesses to receive an impressive amount of working capital. Finally, the application process is simplified as well. Less paperwork is required and the amount of time it takes to process is reduced as well. With your SBA-backed loan, it is possible for you to accomplish any of these tasks and more:

  • Upgrade or purchase new equipment

  • Complete a remodel

  • Purchase new real estate

  • Hire new staff or provide training

  • Refinance or consolidate debt

  • Improve your marketing


Give Beverly Hills Funding Group a call today to get started or learn more about having your small business loan backed by the SBA. We would be happy to answer your questions.

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