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Image by sandro porfirio

Healthcare Financing

Running a small healthcare practice is not a simple task. It takes a lot to keep everything running smoothly while trying to ensure patients receive the care they need. Your community has come to rely on your practice, which means closing your doors is simply not an option. Turn to Beverly Hills Funding Group to learn what your healthcare financing options are. We can provide you with a loan that suits your unique needs exactly and helps your practice thrive. The key to a successful loan is choosing the right kind of financing. At Beverly Hills Funding Group, we have a team of experts ready to work alongside you, evaluate your situation, and recommend the best type of financing. Some of our options include:

  • Practice acquisition – If you are getting started for the first time, we can help you own your practice real estate. Even if this is just your most recent practice, you can count on us to help.

  • Medical equipment leasing – No healthcare practice can operate with the equipment used on a daily basis to diagnose and treat patients. Choose to lease the equipment to enjoy many benefits.

  • Debt consolidation – Lessen the impact your debt has on your daily operation. You can combine all your payments together.


Beverly Hills Funding Group is committed to helping you. Give us a call if you think you could benefit from healthcare financing.

Get Prequalified

As a small business owner, you know your future success depends largely on how well you do during your first few years. Beverly Hills Funding Group can help get you off to the best possible start with flexible financing solutions. Our commercial finance program is ideal for startups because it features low rates, great terms and reasonable qualifications.

If you’ve been thinking about applying for business loans, now is the perfect time to get started.

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